Friday, 7 September 2012

Banking Sector is collapsing ?

  When I flipped through the newspaper, probably news related to economy slowdown or financial crisis occupied most pages of the newspaper. Readers will find them bored when they always cannot find any news that is not related to the mentioned issues.

  Maybe you are wondering that why there are always analyst or marketers saying economy is going down and next financial crisis is coming soon if no action is taken by those authorities---while actually nothing is going to happen because these are just their own opinion and so-called "analysis" that is based on "anticipation of current situation".

  No, actually these aren't the main point of the topic. My concern is that whether the banking sector is going to collapse as I can see many of the banks are seeking for bailout from the government or international fund organisation which injection of capital to keep them survive is becoming a controversial issue.

  Certain European banks are seeking help from the international financial authority because of unable to repay debt. The current one is Slovenia---an Euro country which has little population and relatively small economy. Also, we can see that many finance companies are selling off their assets to repay the debt and trying to hold more cash during this difficult time.

  The opposite situation in Asia---many large corporations are buying out or bidding those sold-assets from these western companies which are facing financial difficulties.

  I would rather choose Asia Banks if I were to invest. Banking sector would not collapse unless the certain country wants to abolish monetary system.

  No figures here. I am lazy to find the figure to prove anything. From my observation, only few banks are strong enough to survive especially Asia Banks---including Malaysian Banks, such as Hong Leong Bank, Public Bank, and Maybank. Although they are still small in terms of assets and market capitalisation but due to stable and conservative policy, they are going through sustainable growth.

  Banks in Canada are also considered as good choices for those who are interested in investing banking corporations. They have no exposure much in U.S market---that is why they survived and able to make profit although financial crisis happened. One of my preference is Scotia Bank.

  Another potential market which is Southeast Asia. Banks in Asean are keeping up due to growing population and consumption power. But remind that most of the central banks make US dollar as major reverse currency, which means if there is any change in US dollar policy, no country can escape from it.

  The economic theory that we learn in school or university is taking the banks as the core of the economic.
In recent years, many of the banks collapsed or sought for bailout.

 To track back profit, many banks tried to play some tricks on their products and sold to public that brought nothing return to the investors and customers. Bankers are too smart to cheat nowadays. We still see a lot of people admire the bankers but it no longer happens in western. Many bankers are seen as cheater or vampires who like to "suck blood" from the people.

  Of course, all banks would not go bankrupt but gradually lose their reputation. Banks were created to be the intermediary of transaction and not gambling in the market.



Thursday, 6 September 2012

People First

  People often change when they are in a environment which will influence their mindset frequently. Although minority will not change at all but mostly will. 

  How do people realize the change? Probably they are able to think and act differently if compared what have they done previously.Recently, I realize I have changed, where I always thought too much and could not stop when I started.However, it makes me worry about losing self-characteristics.

  A personal change could be resulted from experiencing something in daily life. Through accumulation, a person might try to re-think his or her current situation and determine to change. Why change? Sometimes we need to change to adapt to the environment or strengthen internal will.

  The first ever thing I experience is that a person cannot live lonely without any other person. Nobody is alone in this world. Since we are born, we live and interact with other people from day to day---this is unavoidable. 

  "Bond between people will not be broken and will be strengthened through connection of the heart." Through those SGM activities, I have learned that people should be considered as the priority in doing anything. This has become trend especially in entrepreneur world as there are a lot of people-oriented companies appear. In reality, we can see that labour forces being squeezed and less people dispute about that.

   It goes wrong when consideration of technology, structure, authority, or products are above the consideration of people.